iran agrofood2025 will be held from 19-22May, 2025 at Tehran International Permanent Fairgrounds
Known as the largest and most famous international Food, Food Technology & Agricultural event in the Middle East ever since its first inception in 1994, iran agrofood is being split from 2006 into three specialized sections.
From 2016 iran food ingredients as a fourth dedicated section has been held under the umbrella of iran agrofood, in conjunction with iran food + bev tec, iran food + hospitality and iran agro.
“iran food and hospitality 2025”, “iran food and bev tec 2025” , “iran agro 2025”, “iran food ingredients 2025” will be held as four events at the same time, all in dedicated exhibition halls and outdoor grounds at the Tehran International Permanent Fairground.
The country’s largest trade event for food, food technology and agriculture, has been scheduled for its 32nd edition to be from 19-22 May, 2025 at the Tehran International Fairgrounds in cooperation with "Trade Promotion Organization of Iran"(T.P.O) and "Iran International Exhibitions Co." (I.I.E.C).
Our partner fairtrade Co. has the responsibility for the international participants
as well as companies which are going to represent international companies at the exhibition.
For more detailed information and making stand reservation please contact them directly through the following address:
fairtrade Messe GmbH & Co KG
Vossstrasse 3, D- 69115 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49-(0) 62 21-45 65-13
+49-(0) 62 21-45 65-12
Fax: +49-(0) 62 21-45 65-25
Mr. Paul März – Managing Director and Exhibition Director
E-mail: p.maerz@fairtrade-messe.de
Ms. Nadja Lukanowski - Junior Project Manager
E-mail : n.lukanowski@fairtrade-messe.de